












[1] 河南省重点研发与推广专项项目,基于半监督深度学习和视觉显著性的太阳能电池片缺陷在线检测技术研究,2019.12-2021.1210万元,主持.

[2] 河南众智电力工程设计有限公司(横向项目),基于机器视觉和深度学习的缺陷电路板拣选系统研发,2019.05-2020.12148万元,主持.

[3] 苏州纳度新材料贸易有限公司(横向项目),柔性传感器测试系统研发,2018.11-2020.11105万元,主持.

[4] 北京市科委重大项目,千万级类脑计算处理器功能芯片及相关核心技术研究,2015.04-2017.12200万元,主持.

[5] 美国半导体中心项目,Reconfigurable RF/Digital Interconnects for 3D IC Core-Core and Core-Package Connectivity2010.03-2013.02160万美元,主持.

[6] 美国微电子中心项目,3D IC fabrication, testing and reliability study2009.09-2011.0835万美元,主持.

[7] 美国微电子中心项目,Resistive memory fabrication and its integration with CMOS2009.09-2011.0830万美元,主持.

[8] 美国纳米中心项目,Exploring graphene device and circuit architecture2009.06-2012.05,30万美元,主持.

[9] 美国国家自然科学基金会项目,EMT/NANO: Hybrid CMOS-Nano-CMOS Architectures and CAD Tools for Nanoelectronic and Bio-Inspired Applications2008.09-2009.089.9998万美元,主持.

[10] 美国创新中心项目,Development of emerging interconnect evaluator2018.06-2012.0538.5万美元,主持.

[11] 美国国防部项目,CMOS-Memristor Hybrid Nanoelectronics for AES Encryption2010.11-2013.10170万美元,主持.

[12] 美国空军项目,Crossbar Nanocomputer Development2009.11-2012.1070万美元,主持.


[1] Wei WangIBM Faculty Award2010.

[2] Wei WangIBM Faculty Award2008.

[3] Wei WangExploring Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata Design and Simulation Technology2004-2005 Research Initiative Award of Purdue University2005.

[4] Wei WangNew Opportunities Fund AwardCanda Foundation for Innovation Fondation Canadienne Pour Innovation2004.


[1] Co-saliency Detection Guided by Group Weakly Supervised Learning, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2023, 25: 1810-1818. (通讯作者, IF=7.3, 中科院一区Top, ESI高被引)

[2] Building a Bridge of Bounding Box Regression Between Oriented and Horizontal Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2023, vol. 61, pp. 1-9, Art no. 5605209. (通讯作者, IF=8.2, 中科院一区Top, ESI高被引)

[3] Mining High-quality Pseudoinstance Soft Labels for Weakly Supervised Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2023, vol. 61, pp. 1-15, Art no. 5607615. (通讯作者,IF=8.2, 中科院一区Top)

[4] Semantic Segmentation Guided Pseudo Label Mining and Instance Re-Detection for Weakly Supervised Object Detection in Remote SensingImages, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2023, volume 119, Art no. 103301, pp. 1-11. (通讯作者,IF=7.5, 中科院一区Top)

[5] Smooth GIoU Loss for Oriented Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images, Remote Sensing, 2023, 15(5): Article 1259, 1-21. (通讯作者,IF=5.0, 中科院二区Top)

[6] Multiple Instances Complementary Detection and Difficulty Evaluation for Weakly Supervised Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2023, vol. 20, pp. 1-5, Article 6006505. (通讯作者,IF=4.8, 中科院二区)

[7] Micro-cracks detection of solar cells surface via combining short-term and long-term deep features, Neural Networks, 2020, 127: 132-140. (通讯作者,IF=9.657, 中科院一区Top)

[8] Generating and Sifting Pseudolabeled Samples for Improving the Performance of Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2020, 13: 4925-4933. (通讯作者,IF=5.5,中科院二区)

[9] Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images Based on Improved Bounding Box Regression and Multi-Level Features Fusion, Remote Sensing, 2020,12(1): Article 143, 1-21. (通讯作者,IF=5.0, 中科院二区Top)

[10] Hardness Recognition of Robotic Forearm Based on Semi-supervised Generative Adversarial Networks, Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2019, 13: Article 73, page 1-10. (通讯作者,IF=3.1, 中科院二区)

[11] Establishment of a deep learning network based on feature extraction and its application in gearbox fault diagnosis[J].Artificial Intelligence Review, 2019,52:125-149.( 通讯作者,IF=12,中科院二区)

[12] 协同视觉显著性检测方法综述,电子学报,201947(6): 1352-1365. (EI,通讯作者)

[13] Device Characteristics of CZTSSe Thin-Film Solar Cells with 12.6% Efficiency[J]. Advanced Energy Materials, 2014,4(7): 403-410. (IF=27.8,中科院一区Top, 第一作者)

[14] A study of residue-to-binary converters for three-moduli sets[J].IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-regular Papers, 2003,40: 235-243. (IF=5.1,中科院二区, 第一作者)

[15] An efficient residue-to-binary converter[J].IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II-express Briefs, 2002,49:230-230. (IF=4.4,中科院二区, 第一作者)

[16] A high-speed residue-to-binary converter for three-moduli RNS and a scheme of its VLSI implementation[J].IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II-express Briefs, 2000,47: 1576-1581.(IF=4.4, 中科院二区, 第一作者)


[1] 王慰,钱晓亮,赵素娜等,基于高斯混合噪声生成式对抗网络的物体硬度识别方法, 发明专利,专利号:ZL 201811328795 .3, 授权时间:2019.08.

[2] 王慰,电阻型存储器的制备方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL201110221864.2,授权时间:2011.08.