










  1. 科研项目

[1] 河南省科技开发联合基金项目(重点项目),光子自旋霍尔效应的量子调控及其精密测量应用,2023.01-2025.1270万,参与

[2] 河南省科技攻关项目,基于量子弱测量的纳米级薄膜特征参数检测关键技术研究,2221022200152022.01-2023.1210万,主持.

[3] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于增强型光子自旋霍尔效应的纳米级薄膜特征参数表征方法研究,2021.01-2023.1230万,主持.

[4] 高等学校重点科研项目,基于光子自旋霍尔效应的纳米级薄膜厚度检测技术研究, 2021.01-2022.125万,主持.

  2. 代表性论著

[1] Zirui Qin, Lingtong Zhang, Runhao Zhang, Pei Zhang, Rubin Qi, Qingfang Zhang, Linjiao Ren, and Liying Jiang. Effect of the incident polarization on in-plane and out-of-plane spin splitting near the critical angle, Optics Express, 2023, 31(2): 853-863.

[2] Liying Jiang, Shengyan Heng, Zihao Bai, Linjiao Ren, Pei Zhang, Tao Wei, and Zirui Qin, The effect of Rayleigh length of incident Gaussian beam on the in-plane angular spin splitting, Optics Communications, 2022, 506: 127559.

[3] Liying Jiang, Zihao Bai, Shengyan Heng, Zixuan Zhang, Linjiao Ren, Pei Zhang , Rubin Qi, and Zirui Qin. Impact of Polarization Phase of Incident Light on In-Plane Spin Splitting of Reflected Beam[J]. IEEE Photonics Journal, 2022, 14(2):6520306.

[4] Liying Jiang, Zixuan Zhang, Zihao Bai, Shengyan Heng, Linjiao Ren, Pei Zhang, Rubin Qi, and Zirui Qin. Research on the effect of incident polarization phase on transverse spin splitting of reflected beam, Optics Communications, 2021, 519: 128409.

[5] Zirui Qin, Qinggang Liu, Chong Yue, Yaopu Lang, Xinglin Zhou.Nanoscale film thickness measurement based on weak measurement [J]. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2020, 91(12):123111.

[6] Zirui Qin, Qinggang Liu, Chong Yue, Yaopu Lang.Modified model of photonic spin Hall effect of Gaussian beam reflected from a dielectric interface [J]. Applied Physics Express, 2019, 12(6): 062008.

[7] Zirui Qin, Qinggang Liu, Chong Yue, Yaopu Lang, Xinglin Zhou.Improved model of weak measurement for detecting the photonic spin Hall effect [J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2019, 52(49): 495106.

[8] Zirui Qin, Chong Yue, Yaopu Lang, Qinggang Liu. Enhancement of spin components’ shifts of reflected beam via long range surface plasmon resonance [J]. Optics Communications, 2018, 426:16-22.

[9] Zirui Qin, Qinggang Liu, Chong Yue, Yaopu Lang. Enhanced in-plane and out-of-plane photonic spin Hall effect via surface plasmon resonance [J]. Physics of Plasmas, 2018, 25(2):022121.


3. 发明专利

[1] 秦自瑞,姜利英,任林娇,张培等. 一种利用光子自旋霍尔效应测量纳米级薄膜厚度的方法. 2021.1.22,中国,ZL201910681547.5.

[2] 刘庆纲,秦自瑞,岳翀,郎垚璞等,用于测量薄膜厚度的SHEL分裂位移测量方法,2019.06.14,中国,ZL201710579817.2.

[3] 刘庆纲,秦自瑞,解娴,李洋等,用于测量纳米级金属薄膜厚度的SPR差动相位测量方法,2020.07.31,中国,ZL201611065308.X.

[4] 刘庆纲,秦自瑞,郎垚璞,刘睿旭等,一种板材自动综合检测装置,2019.01.29,中国,ZL 201610674777.5.

[5] 刘庆纲,秦自瑞,郎垚璞,刘睿旭等,一种板材自动综合检测装置的测量方法,2019.01.29,中国,ZL 201610674776.0.

[6] 李玉鹏,秦自瑞,王宗田,李进等,一种基于燃料电池的客车及其动力系统,2015.01.28,中国,ZL201420389105.6.

[7] 秦自瑞,李振山,彭能岭,王永秋等,一种预充电电路及其控制电路,2014.08.06,中国,ZL201320864196.X.

4. 荣誉与获奖

[1] 全自动陶瓷砖尺寸变形一体化检测装置研制与应用,中国建筑材料流通协会科技进步一等奖,2021年,202102012-JB1-R05.